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What takes you away to your happy place?


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Soooooo curious, what does everyone do to relax, get in their happy place, or take their mind off of things? I myself absolutely love music! The lyrics, the meanings to their lyrics! Other than music, hikes! Long long long hikes! Scenery and nature, there’s just something about the great outdoors! What do you do relax and rejuvenate yourself?
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I like music too. ^^


My two main things are flow arts and pole dance. I use fire fans and LED fans mainly, but also fire poi and staff. I find using and watching the fans to be incredibly relaxing and beautiful. And just being able to let go and flow to the music is such a freeing feeling ^^ I'm still a beginner at pole dance but I adore it and immediately makes me happy and takes my mind off everything else. I've just started aerial silks as well and that does the same for me. The focus and control it takes helps distract my mind, and how good it feels to be able to do different things always makes me happy. 


I also like baking, reading, and sewing. ^^

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Oooo I love love love baking, cooking, new recipes and everything, Italian is my specialty! If I start reading I can’t stop, different sectors of a subject with different research lol! Pole dancing seems like it would be relaxing because you’ve gotta focus on that and that only or you’ll have a mishap haha! The older I get, the more things I find out and I need to ease and relax my mind!
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Depending on my mood, I either write, listen to familiar music or relaxing music, or I play chill, low-stress video games to unwind. Writing can boost me from good to great (since I did something productive), or it can be a good way to vent if I have something bothering me. Nostalgic music from my childhood or the stuff that's similar enough to have drawn a similar fanbase (think Fall Out Boy and Twenty One Pilots) usually put me in a pretty good mood, and I love singing along. And I have a video game for every mood, basically. If I'm stressed, I've got chill games like American Truck Simulator or Stardew Valley which don't require much skill, but take enough focus to quiet my mind for a while. If I'm in a good mood, I've also got games like Fallout: New Vegas and Cat Quest, which I come back to time and time again.

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Guest chubby_marshmallow

Music, movies, certain smells (baked cookies, fresh laundry, etc.), taking a shower or freshening up after a long day. That's what I do.

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Guest NappyDragon
I like all the good things like watching Anime/Fantasy/Sci Fi, eating nice foods like chocolate or pizza, having some strong beer or wine with friends, gentle hikes to amazing vistas but really the most relaxing is cuddling while in a nappy.
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