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DDlg Forum & Community Summer Fun !
Anyone speaking to DelicateDesires break off contact now !

Hewwo one and all!!


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Hewwo there! I am Damaged, its so very nice to meet you! A little about me:

-I am a sweet and loveable little kitty (meow) who absolutely adores pets, snuggles, huggies, and kissies!

-I love to color, draw, and read (I'm a total sucker for paranormal romance novels! It is my weakness)

-I have 2 stuffies, a tiny little pink unicorn named Mr. Floof and my hero and protector Batman!! (I am a huge

batman fan)

-My favorite kinds of snackie are fruits (except watermelon....bleh), gummy snackies, cookies, and yogurt!

-I thrive off of routine meaning I need rules and chore lists or else I misbehave!


Welp...I tink dat about covers it for now. I hope we can be wonderful fwiends!!!

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Guest Bunnyblossom

Hi there and welcome to DDLGForum!
Normally we have our super friendly Moderator JellyBean greet our new members,
but she’s currently away at Unicorn Camp earning her Horn.

We hope you enjoy your time here at DDLG Forum!
Take a peek around, try the Forums or the Public Chat
(though busy hours vary due to timezones).
If you have any questions or require assistance,
don’t hesitate to message a member of Staff.
You can find us listed in the URL below.

**We advise all members to familiarize themselves with the site’s Rules & Guidelines**

Feel free to check out our Colouring Contest for Halloween! (Open to Littles & Doms/Dommes)
Seeking a partner or friends? Try our Personals or FriendZone sections!
P: https://www.ddlgforum.com/forum/6-personals/ FZ: https://www.ddlgforum.com/forum/18-friend-zone/

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