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i need little space advice for curly hair

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Guest Sleuthiedoll

my hair is becominng curlier lately.


im not sure how to care for it


I have really wavy/sorta curly hair. Meaning it's more than a wave but not exactly super curly.


I never blow dry my hair or straighten it during summer months because it will get frizzy and curl right back up. I let my hair air dry curly.


I use products for curls. The ones I get you can get at a drug store so they aren't expensive. I use Herbel Essences "Totally Twisted" shampoo and conditioner. I also have started to use argan oil shampoo because argan oil is good for your hair especially if you have curly hair.


Here is my routine, and I just want to say this is what works best for my hair, so I hope it works for you but if not you might just need different products...


I wash my hair in the shower. By the time I get out of the shower and get dressed and stuff my hair is semi dry but it is frizzy. So to fix it I will go to the sink and I will totally soak my entire hair with water as if I was washing it again. I do not use any product such as shampoo or conditioner I just literally saturate my hair with water to get it soaking wet again.

Then I will take a turbie twist towel (or you can use a microfiber cloth like to dry a car) or an old tee shirt and I will put my head upside down and when my hair is flipped over I will take the cloth and I will scrunch up my hair. I will scrunch small sections at a time. This will start to dry your hair without the frizz of a normal bath towel. The thing is you still want your hair pretty damp. So don't dry completely just scrunch it up until you feel it's not going to be dripping down your back.

Once I feel I have scrunched my hair enough so it's damp but not soaked I will then take a brush and I will brush my bangs back and clip them up. I like my bangs clipped back so this is what I do to style it. You can do whatever you want.

Once my bangs are clipped back and what I want I will then use some hair products.


I use the following products for curly hair:

Hair mousse- Herbel Essences "totally twisted"

Argan oil

Or any hair products that are for curls.

You can use hair gel, leave in conditioner, whatever works best for you.


I will then take my mouse and scrunch it into my hair.

I usually will sometimes wet my hair a little after the mousse by wetting my hand with water and scrunching my hair.


Then my hair will air dry curly.


And that's my way to style my hair.


I just recommend going to the store and reading the products and looking for ones that are made for curls.

I hope I was able to help some.


My hair is very long and naturally curly. I use Coconut Curls shampoo, and conditioner. I never blow dry or straighten my hair, and I rarely use products.


My three top recomendations:

Use an old t-shirt to dry. Towels rough up the cuticle and make hair frizzy.

Never brush dry curls, also causes frizz. Get a wide toothed comb and use it while hair is wet.

Braids are your friends at night. They help curls from going flat.

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