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My little wont fall a sleep at his bedtime


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Hi I'm a fairly new cg and my little wont sleep no matter how hard I try. It is an LDR relationship by the way. If you have any advice for me please feel free to to share
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Won't fall asleep or won't go to bed? Because them falling asleep is not something you can try for. That's on them, and some people struggle more than others to fall asleep. You could try things like have them listen to quiet music or you could take away technology/bright screens for an hour or something before bed. 


If it's that they won't go to bed or won't try to sleep then you need to have a conversation about them not listening and being disrespectful. 

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Guest depth_of_field_ddlg

Sleep can be elusive to many, and enforcing a bed time does not always mean someone will be able to fall asleep at a regular hour. I think it's more realistic to create a bedtime *routine* that should be followed at a certain hour. Create an environment that encourages sleep, and a structure that can be followed realistically.

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I'm sorry you're having a difficult time of this with your Little! I'm in a partial LDR with my Daddy (he lives about 5 hours away so I see him every other weekend). He has a bedtime for me--when I should be getting in bed and trying to fall asleep. We don't enforce it too much atm because I'm in need of medication and that can cause things to be tricky... but I try to stick to a kind of routine every night that helps me a bit. Turning off my computer, turning out all the lights in the room, using my phone as little as humanly possible (I listen to audio books though), washing my face, brushing my teeth.... routines can help someone wind down ^^ It helps if he doesn't use his bed for anything other than sleep and sex. Otherwise, your brain starts to link stuff like food and TV with the bed and those aren't exactly sleep-inducing activities :p All the better to remove TV from the bedroom altogether, but that's up to yall :) 


Good luck and I hope things get easier on yall!

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Thank you so much all of you, it means a lot cause he's been having a hard time going to bed and it worries me cause he'd sometimes crash during the day. Again thank you
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Guest DuckDaddy66

My  advice from us, much like above, spend bedtime together.  My little and I would text until she would fall asleep.  This week she has come to visit so no more LDR texting :-D

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*waves* Hello, lifetime insomniac and previous LDR Little here.


If sleep is the issue and it is affecting his daily life, he needs to talk to his doctor. I refused sleep medication for 10+ years (they wanted me to go on them when I was 13) and now I have to take them every night otherwise I am literally up for days. Not being able to sleep is either a chemical imbalance or a mental wall - either way, you have no say in what needs to be done unless you are a medical doctor or a psychiatrist. No offense meant, but people try to have their partners do what they think is best, but you don't really know when it comes to medical or psychological background.


This can also worsen your situation if you are getting disappointed or if he is being punished for not going to bed on time. If he literally cannot help it, it can be distressing when we (the littles who CANT) disappoint our Daddies.


Now, if he isn't wanting to go to sleep/bed, that is different altogether. I will be honest I haven't read the above, but its a lot of trial by error when finding that one thing to get your little to bed. Daddy and I went through so many ideas that by the time we found one I liked, I was almost ready to fly back again. SPEAK WITH HIM. Ask why he doesn't want to go to bed, figure out what keeps him up at night. We can't help you because every person is different. But speak with him out of the dynamic. Not as CG and little, but as PARTNERS. That is the only way to find something that works for him.


What ended up doing the trick for me was Daddy was supposed to schedule 2 hours every day for my bedtime. We were literally on other sides of the world (Ohio/Australia) so it was difficult. But because of my sordid sleep history and every issue it has, Daddy happily agreed. Why? Because we werent going to be doing anything for at least one hour. After the first hour of that window, I would have to go to bed, but we stayed on skype but muted. So when I was tossing and turning, I could look up and see Daddy. It helped me much more than anything else. Most nights he kept skype open, just keepin an eye on me, while I slept. That brought us closer and really did help me sleep.

Edited by Little Illy
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*waves* Hello, lifetime insomniac and previous LDR Little here.


If sleep is the issue and it is affecting his daily life, he needs to talk to his doctor. I refused sleep medication for 10+ years (they wanted me to go on them when I was 13) and now I have to take them every night otherwise I am literally up for days. Not being able to sleep is either a chemical imbalance or a mental wall - either way, you have no say in what needs to be done unless you are a medical doctor or a psychiatrist. No offense meant, but people try to have their partners do what they think is best, but you don't really know when it comes to medical or psychological background.


This can also worsen your situation if you are getting disappointed or if he is being punished for not going to bed on time. If he literally cannot help it, it can be distressing when we (the littles who CANT) disappoint our Daddies.


Now, if he isn't wanting to go to sleep/bed, that is different altogether. I will be honest I haven't read the above, but its a lot of trial by error when finding that one thing to get your little to bed. Daddy and I went through so many ideas that by the time we found one I liked, I was almost ready to fly back again. SPEAK WITH HIM. Ask why he doesn't want to go to bed, figure out what keeps him up at night. We can't help you because every person is different. But speak with him out of the dynamic. Not as CG and little, but as PARTNERS. That is the only way to find something that works for him.


What ended up doing the trick for me was Daddy was supposed to schedule 2 hours every day for my bedtime. We were literally on other sides of the world (Ohio/Australia) so it was difficult. But because of my sordid sleep history and every issue it has, Daddy happily agreed. Why? Because we werent going to be doing anything for at least one hour. After the first hour of that window, I would have to go to bed, but we stayed on skype but muted. So when I was tossing and turning, I could look up and see Daddy. It helped me much more than anything else. Most nights he kept skype open, just keepin an eye on me, while I slept. That brought us closer and really did help me sleep.


Thank you so much this really helped 

Edited by Bunnyboo585
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