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LDR tips?


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hey y'all, I'm a new caregiver and I just started an LDR with a little, and I was wondering what y'all would recommend we do as far as activities? my little loves to spend time with me, and I with her, but I'm trying to figure out little things we can do together, despite the distance?


so far I've been giving her rules and making sure she has a bedtime, doesn't spend too much money, and just basic caregiving things. she's introduced me to all her plushies and right now she's coloring for me.

Edited by loveforlittles
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Guest BeardlessViking

Here's a couple of apps and websites me and my Little use.

A great app that offers a lot of features a couple would want. There you can keep a calendar for keeping track of important dates (we have one for the first time we had sex, first time we said 'I love you' etc), make and edit lists together (good for keeping track of rules, each others wishlists and the like) and you can thumbkiss, which is where you both put your finger on the screen and if they connect the phone vibrates. It also has a chat feature and more.

A website that lets play YouTube videos for each other, using a playlist and queue system. It's primarily meant for music, but any YouTube video will play. You also have avatars that dance while you watch/listen. It's great for discovering new music too, as there are lots of rooms with a bunch of people listening to anything from metal to classical. Also has an app version, I believe.

A website for watching YouTube videos together. Super simple stuff.

A website where you can watch YouTube, Netflix, and even Porn together. It basically lets one of you share their screen. It's great because it has a built in chat and voicechat

A Scrabble-like game on phones.


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When it comes to LDRs what will work is widely independent. Some people require video calls for 3+ hours a day, while others only require one text a day.


I agree with everything above but one of the biggest things loved doing was gaming with Daddy. We played games on our phones, we played games over PS4, over the computer and we even played a few things over skype. 


Video games; any MMORPG, any video game with an online connection

Online games; Facebook games, Yahoo games, Words with Friends, Game apps on your phone, etc

Board games; battle ship, guess who, etc.


Another way to do things together is to take something of the others (mail something if needed) and make that item go on an adventure. When I left my visit with Daddy (first time I saw him in RL), he gave me a tiny plushie turtle to take with me. I named him Donnie and Donnie went on adventures. I sent out photos of Donnie having lunch, going to an event, doing this or that. It was like having Daddy with me and he got to see what we were doing.


LDRs in general are hard to pin down because, like I said, it is really up to the people involved. I did write a thread regarding things to remember while in an LDR: https://www.ddlgforum.com/topic/35173-ldrs-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/ (SFW). 


Though it wont help you figure out activities, it will help you figure ways to remain close. I wish you two the best of luck! :heart:

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