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Not sure if I'm a little

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Guest TheQuiet1

Hiya, I'm new here. :D

I've been wondering for a while about whether or not I fit as a "little", so I decided to join in hopes that someone could help me figure it out.


I first found out about it when I was younger and since then I've been off and on researching it (though I absolutely don't know everything) because I've age regressed since I was 9. I remember loving to act much younger than I was and it was just like this really nice, safe and happy head space. I was so scared of growing up and it always made me so happy when anyone would mention I was acting like "a little kid" (in a not-mean tone). I didn't have a great childhood starting at age 8 so I don't know if that's why it started. Or if there's no connection at all and it would've started regardless.


Anyways, it still happens, anywhere from a few times a day to a few times a week, sometimes less if it's a bad/busy week. And only up to a couple hours max each time, usually much less. I usually feel like I'm anywhere from 3-7 again. It seems like the sadder I am, the younger. The happier, the more likely it is that I feel older. I've noticed if I'm sick, I'm "little" basically the entire sickness.

And I have a boyfriend (he doesn't know about my age regression, but he's definitely seen me act like a kid and just hasn't said anything). Whenever he does something remotely "caregiver"-like, I just feel really small and happy. Even if it's just pouring me some juice/water/whatever rather than letting me do it myself.

(I also think he might be into it too, considering he knew a girl who was a little, and sometimes he just says things that make me think he is.)


But the thing that makes me wonder if I'm really a little - is that I don't really like to do a lot of kid's things. I don't go into "littlespace" much. And I don't really want the rules/punishments aspect that a lot of littles/caregivers have. For me I like cartoons/"kid"'s movies, stuffies (I still sleep with one very night), "cute" things and clothes, being taken care of and treated like a kid. But I think that's it. A lot of adults like kids movies and stuffies, etc. I don't really play, and I don't like coloring, I don't like pacis, or sippies, etc. For me being "little" is mostly just a feeling, it doesn't really need or want objects. (I know objects aren't required - and being little is a feeling, but idk :/).


I'm not really sure if I'm into DDLG or CGLRE (I don't know a lot about that one so any info is appreciated).




Mostly I'm just here to get some other people's opinions and to learn a bit more about this community and whether or not it's for me.



Sorry if I wrote a bit too much or if this isn't the right section for this or something. :blush:


Thanks in advance to any answers. :)

Guest little_ballerina

...I don't really like to do a lot of kid's things. I don't go into "littlespace" much. And I don't really want the rules/punishments aspect that a lot of littles/caregivers have. For me I like...stuffies (I still sleep with one very night), "cute" things and clothes, being taken care of and treated like a kid. But I think that's it...I don't really play, and I don't like coloring, I don't like pacis, or sippies, etc. For me being "little" is mostly just a feeling...

This^ describes me too (I like even less than you -- I had to snip out 'I like cartoons'). I become little around Daddy naturally (that mentally is there with me always and I slide between being little and adult me easily). I behave like a little (just without the coloring etc) and feel like one, so I identify as one and my DD sees me that way too.


There is no 'one way' in this lifestyle :)


Hey, welcome! To me, being little is all about that feeling, the rest is just extra. It's up to you to identify with the label or not, but you'd totally fit into the little category if you wanted to. We all have different ways to age regress! 


The only person who can determine if you are a little is you. Ignore the 'typical' and 'normal' little behaviors because those aren't all reality. Most littles aren't playing with child toys or speaking gibberish. Most littles are doing what is comfortable for them.


I get triggered into a little headsapce when watching David Attenbourough, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, Lie to Me, etc. 


I feel little when I am cooking, baking and cleaning for myself and Daddy. Not because they are a chore, but because my OCD enjoys the aftermath of cleaning so much I get giddy and excited.


I am a little who expects everyone to take her seriously and be the one in charge when Daddy isn't around. I don't take shit from anyone, I rarely cry and I am mentally tougher than a lot of Daddies I have met. But I am a little.


I hate glitter, pink, My Little Pony, Paw Patrol (even though I am obsessed with puppies), I hate excessive little speech, I hate people assume that when I am little I am not intelligent and set to prove them wrong, I hate Barbie and shopping and all of the 'normal' little things.


I love Rick and Morty, South Park, advanced debates and conversations (even when little), I love collecting text books and doing mostly nothing that 'normal' littles do.


But I am still a little.


What makes a person a little is not the list of things they "should" be doing or how they "should" be thinking or acting. What makes the person a little is if it is something you identify with.


Anyways, it still happens, anywhere from a few times a day to a few times a week, sometimes less if it's a bad/busy week. And only up to a couple hours max each time, usually much less. I usually feel like I'm anywhere from 3-7 again. It seems like the sadder I am, the younger. The happier, the more likely it is that I feel older. I've noticed if I'm sick, I'm "little" basically the entire sickness.
And I have a boyfriend (he doesn't know about my age regression, but he's definitely seen me act like a kid and just hasn't said anything). Whenever he does something remotely "caregiver"-like, I just feel really small and happy. Even if it's just pouring me some juice/water/whatever rather than letting me do it myself.


It sounds like you regress and it is therapeutic for you. You could simply be an Age Regressor or you could be a little. What will help you determine if you are either or neither is by exploring. You age regress from the sounds of it, and you don't like the traditional things, but do you like things that amplify this side of you? If so then you may just be a little.


But at the end of the day it comes down to one thing; you like what you like. IF you need to put a label on it, maybe Little will work. However if you are still confused, do not confine yourself to labels. You might find out youre not a little at all but a Switch, which is why you don't like the toddler accessories. Who knows. The possibilities are endless. 


So do a bit of research on a few things; age regression, CG/L dynamic, power dynamics, and reflect on who you are and what attracts you. Unfortunately, like I said earlier, you are the only person who can tell you or determine if you are a little. Just remember you don't have a mold to fit, an expectation to fulfill and you are not Build-A-Little. You are just You.


And even if you are not a little, that just means you are You and You enjoy certain things that littles do. And there is nothing wrong with that. Don't get weighted down in what "should" be and just focus on what is happening naturally.

Guest TheQuiet1

Thank you to everyone above, it's really helpful. :)


So do a bit of research on a few things; age regression, CG/L dynamic, power dynamics, and reflect on who you are and what attracts you. Unfortunately, like I said earlier, you are the only person who can tell you or determine if you are a little. Just remember you don't have a mold to fit, an expectation to fulfill and you are not Build-A-Little. You are just You.


And even if you are not a little, that just means you are You and You enjoy certain things that littles do. And there is nothing wrong with that. Don't get weighted down in what "should" be and just focus on what is happening naturally.


I'll definitely do some more research. And thanks for that last bit, that's a really good point.

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