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Little helping big self.


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This might sound a little strange but does being little help you be a better adult? For me I've noticed that being in my littlespace, I take care of myself a lot better for my adult self to benefit. This is going to sound gross but it's an example of what I mean. As an adult, I rarely brush my teeth. My teeth are strong and straight, I rarely have bad breathe even. But being a little, I take the initiative to brush my teeth a lot more.


Can anyone relate to this or am I just weird? Aside from not brushing my teeth as often as I should.

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Guest TheQuiet1

It definitely helps me with a lot. I have really bad anxiety and it really helps me wind down and become okay again, so that when I turn back into "big" me, I'm much calmer - basically it allows me to not be a ball of scared all the time. Also, I love organizing things and cleaning things in littlespace (I know, it's really weird haha), it's just so fun for some reason!

So littlespace helps me be a little more productive in that regard.

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Guest QueenJellybean



i like to think of my small self as my inner child that i need to nurture & help grow! 

i eat better when i'm planning my meals with my small self in mind.

i try to inject more fruits & veggies into my diet in fun ways. 

i get more exercise when i'm feeling small because of pokemon go!


i think that if more people saw feeling like a child as a lifestyle, we'd all be a lot healthier! 

nourish your inner child! 

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whenever im in little space i tend to take better care of myself i think. i feel more of an obligation to take care of myself since i feel small at the time.

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Most definitely! 

I struggled with an eating disorder not long ago, but my Daddy has put me on a little-girl diet to where I eat more veggies and balance out my protein more so I'm not always eating ready-to-eat things and overly sweet things without balance.

I actually need a schedule/daily task list in order to function or else I feel lost. I require lots of structure in order to function or I'll forget things such as eat lunch, brush teeth twice a day, drink lots of water with or without my vitamin water enhancer.

Yes, I can do all of that myself... but I feel much more rewarded when it is Daddy telling me to do so, knowing that I'm doing it to please not only myself, but my Daddy is a great feeling.

I struggle with a few mental illnesses so being a little helps me cope with them, going into littlespace whenever I feel like my adulting is becoming too much. If I don't regress when I feel stressed, I will start to act very depressed and maybe fall into some self-loathing, self-destructive, bad behaviours.

Taking care of myself is a big thing too, it is in my contract to take care of my body in many ways, from shaving, to eating, to sleeping. Having to obey that helps me be a better me.

I've always struggled with self-esteem, so little me tends to go out with me and pick what I wear when Daddy lets me pick my outfit out, it helps me feel more comfortable in my own skin knowing my little self feels small, cute, and comfortable. I walk with way more confidence when I do that. ^_^

Edited by Foxette
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