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Crib ideas?

Guest ~ Sleepy ~

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Guest ~ Sleepy ~
So I’ve always wanted to sleep in a crib but living at home with the family I obviously can’t get one. Does anyone have any ideas on any bed frames that might make it feel more like a crib?
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Hey! I was thinking about crib alternatives just the other day. I think I would like one eventually, but I feel like it would be really hard to explain an adult sized crib. The only thing I could come up with was to get a day bed type thing and turn it around so it faces the wall. I feel like it would be easy to explain and still could feel sort of crib-y. If you google day beds, there are a lot that come up that I really like the look of.

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Guest Bunnyblossom

Edit: oh, well it seems you’ve found what you’re looking for with the prev answer. ^^


What about a couple of safety rails to put either side of a normal bed frame? Maybe ‘just’ short enough that they can be tucked under the bed when you need to hide them.

Pushing your bed against the wall may help too.

You could get a bb playpen fence thing and put that across the open/non-wall side?

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I want to get a fairly large crib and do what I say with a DIY:


https://www.diynetwork.com/videos/turn-a-crib-into-a-dog-crate-0279901 (SFW)


The reason why I want this one is 1. Because crib, 2. Because Ima puppy and 3. You can easily throw a cloth over the top and VIOLA! it is a table in the room, it is a storage space.


Aka it is easy to conceal :)

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That one may not so easy to hide from parents though lol. 


I remembered I posted this in an older thread about making cribs (nsfw). They've taken two baby cribs and just used the outer frame to surround a double bed, and used the sides of the cribs to extend the frame to fit the bed's length. My current thought is.... if you have a headboard and footboard then you just need to find a railing to go along the side. If you don't have those you could still use railing around the side and end (if you push your bed against a wall you'll only need to cover half), and if your bed is high enough store it underneath while you're not using it. Idk what kind of bed you have so you'd need to work out how you can attach it to what you have, but it could be a simple temporary crib and you can hide the parts under your bed ^^

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OH!! .. I want one !! hehe


Living with family, you could start rolling over from your bed at night (try not to hurt yourself) .. if you do that once or twice per week for a short while, you should be able to suggest adding a Toddler fence to your bed without anyone arguing.





With the Day bed, even placed the intended side..  if you add a fence, it will sure feel like a Crib.


Bunk Bed is also a good option .. The bottom bed (with a fence would sure feel like a crib..   The Top bed comes with fencing everytime.

Bunk Bed no need to fall from bed..  just.. find a reason to want a Bunk Bed.




I really like the Canopy idea too ! ... you could merge these ideas and make The Ultimate Young Adult Crib !! :D ... 

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