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DDlg - when did you know?


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Newbie here, at least to the forums.  I'm a 30 year old daddy.  I have some questions I want to ask on here now, but one that interest me the most first.  For me, at least sexually, it was being with a  partner that was submissive and just went for it and called me Daddy.  I still think about it a lot, it's interesting to wonder where it came about that you realized you were into this?  I can go all the way back to childhood, remembering playing house with my friends both girls and boys and feeling absolutely thrilled to be "dad."  And if I wasn't "Dad" being totally bummed.  Can anyone relate to this?  Maybe I spend too much time thinking where I came about, but it's so damn interesting to me.  I've been lurking the forum for a few days now, everyone seems so supportive, open-minded and respectful.  I really enjoy it. 

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honestly im not sure. i just knew a few years ago, maybe 2 or 3? i just.. knew i liked being taken care of and liked being babied. that's all i really knew of it. it's very fuzzy for me to be honest.

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I've known I've been into BDSM for a long time. When I learned what it meant... so many things in my life kind of just clicked and made sense. 


I was the kid that tied up their barbie dolls. Made them play gyno on a beach chair. The kid that got a little too happy when they got tied up with a skipping rope by the boys on the playground, and sad when they had to be let out. I was the kid that leashed themselves to the family dog's kennel, and the kid that would go back and do it again 5+ times when something hurt lol. Sticking your finger in the candle wax hurts? Let's do that again, and again, and again. And laugh. lol 


As for ddlg.... I'm not really into it. I'm a sub and not a little. But after meeting person after person who just wanted to beat me and have sex and nothing more... I realised I need a more caring and nurturing relationship. That's when I realised I need a D/s relationship with some aspects like a ddlg dynamic. 

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I was into BDSM already. Started in a Dom/sub dynamic that quickly adapted into a Owner/pet dynamic as well. There was always guidance and a nurturing aspect in Dom/sub dynamics I was familiar with, so it wasn't specifically what drawn me into DD/lg. So what did it? I didn't know what DD/lg was at first, but I eventually met a little in a community I was in. She was a babygirl and her little age was 3. She would ageplay and stuff A LOT, and I was so confused by her and her lifestyle, but found it interesting (definitely thought it was weird tho). It peaked my interest the more I saw her around and interacted with her. Eventually met 2 babyboys also. They were all super cute and sweet to be around. What really appealed to me about it all was how other ppl in our circle (including myself) reacted to them. As a sub it is not uncommon to receive admiration or praise on how good u are behaved, ur service, etiquette etc which feels great. With the littles tho, everyone was very nurturing and protective over them. The way they behaved was very endearing and the littles seemed to be a ball of light in any room. It didn't matter if the person was a sub, slave, Dom, Master, Mistress etc...the reaction was almost always the same. Ppl was happy around them and engaging with them. Once I realized that I too wanted that effect on ppl (being a sub, I naturally like to please others), I eventually had a Dom I wanted to explore it with. When I discovered my own little mode/littlespace, it was a lot of fun, and I loved how happy it made both myself and others in my community feel around me. It wasn't a singular moment, but rather a slow build up of a realization.

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I can go all the way back to childhood, remembering playing house with my friends both girls and boys and feeling absolutely thrilled to be "dad."  And if I wasn't "Dad" being totally bummed.  Can anyone relate to this?  




I have never confessed this to anyone because it seems weird to me, even now. 


When I was a kid, early early teens (10-12yo), me and the kid(s) of the family friends would play house (nothing inappropriate, just saying). And I am the oldest and have always been the older kid outa the group, yet somehow I always ended up either playing Mom (heh) or the little sister. And more times than not, I was the little sister. And we would "regress" the game so much that those of us who were the younger "roles" would be doted on and treated like a baby.


These games went on for a couple years, harmlessly of course, until we all out grow it. But I will never forget lining my bathtub (connected to my room so private) with my comforter and pretending it was a crib.


So I guess I can say I have definitely been there. I just ignore those moments because I haven't linked them with my little identity yet. 


As for when I realized I was a little? I was 20yo and my first Dom and I were trying to figure out what title would work. He said Daddy, something in me kinda perked up and I nodded we could try it. We only lasted 2 weeks after that, but... thats when I found out.

Edited by Little Illy
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Newbie here, at least to the forums. I'm a 30 year old daddy. I have some questions I want to ask on here now, but one that interest me the most first. For me, at least sexually, it was being with a partner that was submissive and just went for it and called me Daddy


Many girls call guys Daddy during seks, and that has nothing to do with DD/lg relationship.


Many guys call themselves DD, but hhhhh,they are not even Dom.... they will forget about DD/lg "thing" in a few years.

Edited by SmartAssLittle
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Something bad happened and I was tied up during it all. When it was over, I thought back months later, and actually liked it.

I thought I was just into BDSM for YEARS! And then I found out about ddlg. And it was just perfect. I love everything that makes me feel little, and whenever I’m accepted by whoever may be my Daddy at the time, I just regress more. I say my regressed age is like 3, cause of how I act.

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