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"Someone please talk to me"

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Okay so this is kind of a rant-y post, but bear with me!


We all see the "im bored/lonely please someone talk" statuses pop up on a daily basis and theres genuinely nothing wrong with these. Heck, its the fastest way to get someone to hit you up imo!


But!! I feel like often the same people who post these updates are also the same people that really put 0% effort in conversations. 1 sentence and sometimes 1 word responses even. Something about that bothers me. I mean, i have no issue whatsoever being the person who talks the most in a conversation (its usually the case because topic 1 reminds me of topic 2 etc. Etc.) But when you simply put zero effort in a conversation, thats kinda irritating. I totally understand being shy, but a "haha omg" as a reply to my 5+ sentence text sinks my interest faster than the fucking titanic.


Rant over. *extravagant bow* YEET

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Guest FluffyLittleLilac

And that is why I don’t message people who post those sort of statuses. If they are really bored and feeling lonely, they should be the one to initiate a conversation with someone else and actually engage in the conversation with them.

It drives me nuts too when someone responds with a word or sentence to 4+ messages

Posted (edited)

It drives me nuts too when someone responds with a word or sentence to 4+ messages

Especially when that response is "lol." UGH! Just don't respond at that point! (╯°□°)╯彡( \o°o)\


Although, I will say it's sometimes difficult for me to just start a conversation at times. Something about self-doubt and self-confidence and yada yada. But I think there are other ways to occupy one's time than to just say boredom prevails and hope that others will rescue you from monotony. Lately, I've been thinking of convo stirrers to post up as a topic here but haven't quite found any that'd be articulate enough to stir up a rousing thread. Eventually, maybe!  :lol:

Edited by MysticSand
Guest FluffyLittleLilac
Posted (edited)
Edited by FluffyLittleLilac
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The thing is if someone else or I initiate it, I try my best to keep engaged and show an interest but sometimes things just don’t ‘click’ with people and that’s why they don’t proper engage

I totally get you!!!! I was going to mention something about finding it difficult to "click" with people but I think it's been a little easier here on this forum because there are other Littles here who can be super excited about things and don't mind my asterisking and such as much.  :D  Let's be friiiiiends! *sends friend request*


OMG the ‘’’Lol’’ response is like the ultimate turn off or ‘’Mhmm’’’ like what the heck!

It’s difficult for me to start a conversation too sometimes but I recently initiated a conversation with someone! The thing is if someone else or I initiate it, I try my best to keep engaged and show an interest but sometimes things just don’t ‘click’ with people and that’s why they don’t proper engage

its nice to have that effort reciprocated in a conversation. just the effort someone puts into it, makes me like em so much more!

Guest Aetherr

can i just say, i recognise your frustration, i usually bounce on out of the dms if someone is putting such low effort in, its hard enough for me on the good days to come of with interesting shit to say/ask and when the best a person can muster is some half baked response put there purely to let me know i've not been ignored gets me bored and looking for an "out" right quick, also i take your yeet and yaet you right back


can i just say, i recognise your frustration, i usually bounce on out of the dms if someone is putting such low effort in, its hard enough for me on the good days to come of with interesting shit to say/ask and when the best a person can muster is some half baked response put there purely to let me know i've not been ignored gets me bored and looking for an "out" right quick, also i take your yeet and yaet you right back

appreciate the yeat buddy.


on a more serious note, i can only imagine the frustration and that it could potentially have some negative effects on your image of yourself when its already somewhat of a challenge to come up with an interesting conversation starter (run into that problem a lot when you milk out a topic and youre forced to switch the topic so the convo doesnt die out)

Guest Jinkies

While I agree with all of this for the most part, my thing about the short responses to a previous message of several or so sentences is that just because someone writes a lot it doesn't mean there is always something to respond to. This isn't always the case, obviously, some people just don't contribute to the conversation and don't put any effort in to maintain one. That's not okay. But It's easy to elongate sentences or type filler so there looks like there is a lot of content, when in actuality, there may be barely anything to branch of off for the other person. Lack of similar interests is always an easy way to kill a conversation too. It's just something to consider.


As for the statuses, it's probably fair to say that the majority of the time they are looking for someone else to entertain them, otherwise they could easily find something else to do to cure their boredom that doesn't involve another person.

These are often, also the people who come into chat, and don't make an effort to join the conversation.

These are often, also the people who come into chat, and don't make an effort to join the conversation.

i really enjoyed chat the few times i joined in, but its just freaking impossible for me to join the conversation on mobile and since i dont have a laptop, i decided just not to join chat bc theres no point for me to just read and not chime in. im way too vocal for that shit :p

I get that some people can't jump into convos, but maybe they just wanna talk 1 on 1 when they post updates? I mean, im a bad conversation holder, but given the right people i can talk for a while. Or possibly they just don't like you or certain people? I know there's a few people I purposely go mute around

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