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I struggle to relate to other littles

Pink Plushie

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I didn't really know where to post this, but I've been wanting to get my thoughts out and was wondering if anyone else feels similar?


I realized I was a little last year and have still been exploring my little side. One thing I noticed was how hard it is to relate to other littles. I subscribe to the littlespace subreddit so I often see littles with pacis and in diapers, and although I think it's cute, it's not something I partake in. I don't have any onesies or a play area. I've never had a caregiver so I can't relate when other littles post about what their mommies/daddies do for them and it makes me feel really lonely. I'm not even comfortable calling a caregiver mommy or daddy. I don't change my speech when I'm little, nor do I have a specific age I regress to. While there is nothing wrong with any of the things I mentioned (I love seeing littles being happy no matter what things they do), I find it hard to relate to the community.


I mainly partake in plushies, cute things, and some kid things like coloring or watching cartoons. I know littlespace is not one way or a specific look, and I know there are others like me, but I see so much of the same things that I can't relate to that it makes me feel like I'm not little enough or I'm incomplete as a little, or caregivers won't think I'm as desirable if I'm not a certain way, especially since littlespace isn't a sexual thing for me and I feel like it's a kink for most caregivers I come across and they wouldn't want to talk to me. I'm the only little I know irl and even though the community has helped me explore myself, I'm starting to feel alone in my own safe space :\


Does anyone else share my feelings? :(

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I'm kinda new the community as a whole, had an ex who was into this and now that I'm tryna expand my social circle and hopefully take steps to find somebody who's willing to put up with me this feels like a much more comfortable place to find people who are closer to me in what they're looking for, but; she never once called me daddy, tbh, we spoke about it and determined that it wasn't exactly what she was after... Personally, I'd have nothing wrong with being called daddy in the correct context, but it's not what I'm looking for, if you get me; I care more about the bond than the whole kink aspect

The thing I mostly love about the whole CGL aspect is the intimacy and the care between one another, I've tried none ddlg relationships in the past and the intimacy is just... honestly kinda lacking in; The most relaxing thing to me is cuddling just for the sake of cuddling, or when you get to look at your little sitting away painting being all happy, saying that, I've personally never been all too much of a sexual person in general, in part because anxiety is a bitch, but also because I love the bond more than anything where it's all solely just about enjoying one anothers company

But, still; as with any form of relationship, it's down to how you vibe, some people treat this as a sexual aspect which is fine for them, but for me, it's a intimacy aspect

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Guest LittleBunBun<3

I completely understand and relate to you. It isn't your belongings that make you a little. It's the connection you have with your inner self. It's reaching to that creativity, that happiness, that safe space, that beautiful imagination. You don't need to wear diapers or onesies to be little. If you like that, it's completely okay! If you don't, that's okay too! That's the beauty of this lifestyle. There is no cookie cutter pattern. It all depends on the person. You don't need to partake in these things to be desirable to a mommy/daddy. I personally don't have a bottle or onesies or any of this, and my Daddy is completely okay with this. He accepts me for who I am. One day, you will find somebody who accepts you too. I also don't see ddlg as a kink. I see it as who I am. I am a little. That's who my heart says I am. I connect with that side of me without the binkies, diapers, onesies, etc. 

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I can completely relate. For me. Being little is a mindset that I need to help me decompress from the day or stressful situations. I have enjoyed the kink side of it. But I find most “daddy’s” want a sexual relationship. I prefer a more intimate safe place. Cuddles and companionship and freedom to be who I need to be at that moment. Feel free to chat with me. I have felt this exact same way. ♥️
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I'm similar to you.


I don't use pacifiers, diapers, onesies, or anything like that. And I don't need a special play area. While my voice sometimes gets higher pitched, my vocabulary stays about the same. And I don't think I'd call a caregiver daddy or mommy.


Honestly, I don't think I really want a dom(me) at all. I just want a nurturing caregiver who accepts me just the way I am and is charmed by my childlike personality. Someone who would help me take care of myself and encourage me to be a better person.


I like being outside looking at bugs more than watching cartoons. I love antique stores and vintage stuff. I try to be eco-friendly and take joy in simple things. On this forum I usually post to give advice to people or encouragement. Being little is in my spirit. I feel it is my true self, unafraid of what others think, and being big is just a face I put on to navigate society. The little girl sees everyone as equal and wants to be kind and generous and loving.


There are plenty of littles like us, but I think we're just less visible. Feel free to contact me if you'd like. :)

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I totally relate, sometimes I don't think I'm a little at all, but I do think i'm somewhere on the spectrum.


I don't play with age, toys, cartoons, clothing, nothing "typically little", I consider myself a young lady, but I really am drawn to the ddlg relationship style, I want that nurturing, caregiver Dom to look up to.


So don't overthink it, there's no "right way", and just remember everyone's different, and that.s just fine.

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