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Have you considered DBT therapy? It's supposed to really help a BPD individual manage their symptoms and emotions. It might benefit you to speak with a therapist and talk to them about it.
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Guest Lavendar Bunni Wubbins

Have you considered DBT therapy? It's supposed to really help a BPD individual manage their symptoms and emotions. It might benefit you to speak with a therapist and talk to them about it.

Agree with this. DBT can be a huge help, even if you can't get in to see a professional, working on some of the worksheets & reading some of the material can be a huge help if you are willing to do it with an open mind & are ready to make positive changes in your life. I have a lot of books in PDF form, and worksheets too if you wanted to take a look without committing to buying the books, purple. :)

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I still dont understand bpd 


Oh heck nor do I, and I've been diagnosed with it for 10 years.  I don't think anyone does, that's precisely the nature of it. I liken BPD to having a little troublesome shapeshifter inside your brain - it's changeable, unpredictable, and that makes it scary sometimes.  Some days you feel like yourself, other days you feel like a completely different person, some days you don't even feel like a human being and that you're living in a giant horrible fever dream. But there are certainly ways to make sure you're feeling yourself more often than not!!!! 


I agree with everyone else in that behavioural therapy is super helpful in living with BPD, and that DBT goes a looooong way.  After DBT my outlook on life and personal relationships was 110% healthier. 


The "people with BPD are selfish and toxic and manipulative!!!!" narrative is something you should never take to heart because it's uninformed discriminatory garbage. But I am gonna say that accountability is a HUGE part of healthy living with BPD - holding both yourself and others accountable.  Willingness to un-learn unhealthy behaviours, coping mechanisms, and emotional responses, and learning to not punish yourself for others' toxic behaviour and bad attitudes.  And that's precisely what DBT's meant to help with! 


Sending you all the good vibes right now and if you ever need advice my DM's are hecka open.  You got this! 

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yeah it's horrible sometimes I feel like I'm not even awake and I feel hazzy if that makes sense meds have deffo helped I will speak to my doctor about the behavioral therapy see if that helps. and yeah I try and just ignore people but sometimes its hard. and thank u so much I will message u if I have any questions or if I need advice
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Guest Lavendar Bunni Wubbins

Oh heck nor do I, and I've been diagnosed with it for 10 years.  I don't think anyone does, that's precisely the nature of it. I liken BPD to having a little troublesome shapeshifter inside your brain - it's changeable, unpredictable, and that makes it scary sometimes.  Some days you feel like yourself, other days you feel like a completely different person, some days you don't even feel like a human being and that you're living in a giant horrible fever dream. But there are certainly ways to make sure you're feeling yourself more often than not!!!! 


I agree with everyone else in that behavioural therapy is super helpful in living with BPD, and that DBT goes a looooong way.  After DBT my outlook on life and personal relationships was 110% healthier. 


The "people with BPD are selfish and toxic and manipulative!!!!" narrative is something you should never take to heart because it's uninformed discriminatory garbage. But I am gonna say that accountability is a HUGE part of healthy living with BPD - holding both yourself and others accountable.  Willingness to un-learn unhealthy behaviours, coping mechanisms, and emotional responses, and learning to not punish yourself for others' toxic behaviour and bad attitudes.  And that's precisely what DBT's meant to help with! 


Sending you all the good vibes right now and if you ever need advice my DM's are hecka open.  You got this! 

You summed it up pretty well in my opinion!


I also think a big issue with BPD is that it is comorbid with so many other things, it can be hard to tell where one ends & another starts! Common pairings seem to be with BPD, AvPD & DPD...or with BPD and Bipolar, BPD & PTSD...ahhhh! Then of course, you end up having anxiety & depression typically because you are anxious and depressed about your BPD & other diagnoses that you don't fully understand or can't just take a magic pill to help you get better. Ooof. It can be a lot!

Not to mention getting proper help. It either costs too much, or the waiting lists are so long that you slowly get worse & worse as you wait to get help. Yet somehow in the meantime we are supposed to just chill out & continue our daily struggles as if it's no big deal, as if we aren't slowly being ripped apart at the seams just trying to exist. And of course, trying to explain it to a lot of people and you generally get told to stop making excuses. No hunny, I'm not making excuses anymore...I am explaining it to you so you can be better educated and understand why it's not just something I can just change overnight, and that I am literally having to rewire my brain & work at it every second of every day for the rest of my life, in order to make those changes & keep them. But hey, it's no big deal, right? Everyone struggles with something, but people generally have very little patience & understanding of what it is we have to go through to live a stable life.


Rant over!

Edited by Bunni Wubbins
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