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Noticing Littles/Daddies/Care Givers In Public

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Guest BabyGurlLevy19

I was wondering if there are places where Daddies/Care Givers and other Littles like to be noticed in Public like if someone came up to you at a public library in the kids section or the kids section of a store or the kids section at a book store or places like that. I go out sometimes in public wearing skater skirts and cute shirts with pigtails and a pink mini backpack purse with a stuffie keychain a pink/purple crown charm bracelets and a butterfly pendant necklace. I also love swinging at the park by myself even though no one notices.


I'll be honest, I'd be pretty uncomfortable if someone i didn't know came up to me in public and asked if I'm a little. This is something I share with my Daddy, my Wife and some close friends that are also babyfurs.


If my Daddy wasn't with me and someone asked I'd be even more uncomfortable and shut it down immediately. I'm open to meeting people face to face that are into DDlg but not without warning or getting to know them first.

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apart from a special munch I have never heard of places, it wouldn't feel natural would it ?


few people are into this.

I like to think that if you are doing those cute things you are mentioning, and no one notices it's because there is no one around equipped with the proper radar. I would be a mile away I would notice instantly.


Obviously there's a wide range of views. I think it might also depend on whether each of ddlg relationships, or feeling about ourselves as daddy or a little girl, is more private/personal/home-based/bedroom or if it is more outward-facing and you want a sense of being defined by it and that being recognised by others. I think this is especially so in 24/7 relationships where there is no 'outside' of it. @Babygurl, if I saw you I would know what it meant. I think its beautiful and celebrate it.

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Guest LittleElizabethBun
Posted (edited)
...redacted... Edited by LittleElizabethBun

For some reason … as much as I don’t want to be , I am a people magnet. I have actually have had a good handful of people blatantly ask me if I’m a little or a submissive. In a book store , the mall , my work. I guess I give off the energy that says “you don’t need a filter with me.”


I personally don’t mind being asked. If someone is asking with vindictive intentions (hasn’t happened to me yet) , I would just laugh at them for being so small minded and afraid of the unknown. You’re the one that asked anyways , there’s your answer and move along.


As for me asking other people , I’ve done it a couple times. BUT , big huge gigantic BUT…. The people I have asked I have known and built a relationship with over time. There’s a couple that has been coming to my job for about three years now , and I couldn’t stand not knowing anymore. When it was just the couple and myself in the shop I pretense the situation by saying “do you know what bdsm is and the umbrella terms?” They laughed and smiled at each other and they said “ohhhh yeah.” I was like “Sick. DDlg ?” They smiled again and replied “Yep. That’s us.”

We moved along , and now they only come to me for help in the shop. Small bonding experience.


I wouldn’t ask a random stranger , but if you feel comfortable enough with somebody that you’ve known for a while and you’ve felt out that they won’t just freak the fuck out…. Why not ? Obviously like I said , I’m not going to ever just walk up to random people no matter how little or cute they look.. especially considering they might identify as an age regress little and might be offended at the notion that they are anything but just that.

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not sure the o.p. was about a stranger coming up and asking point blank.

although I can imagine the rush and excitement at spotting a rare person, there are normal rules of approach that still apply in a lot of places, thankfully. 

Guest LittleElizabethBun
Posted (edited)
...redacted... Edited by LittleElizabethBun
  • 3 weeks later...

There are waaaay to many people who regress or simply love "little" things that absolutely despise ddlg, and if you asked them if they were little the best you could hope for is an insulted and deeply offended person who ignores you. The worst is them going on a campaign to ruin your life. For this reason I don't think there's anywhere one can be openly ddlg unless its in a kinky area, but even then ddlg seems to be looked down upon (which I find hypocritical from people who are into bdsm, but thats a whole other rant)


For me I'm extremely open so I wouldn't be surprised if someone I didn't know knew I was a little, but the vast majority of our community is what I think the cool people call "on the down low".

  • Like 8
  • 2 months later...

You're likely to find them in places like Build A Bear, playgrounds, aquariums, zoos, etc. But IMHO unless they're wearing a t-shirt or holding up a sign that says "ASK ME ABOUT CGL!!!!" I would never approach them. That feels very inappropriate.


I'm autistic, and so I can seem very childish at times. But I'm a mommy! So imagine all the autistic people who are simply not involved in the community at all!

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I'm a Daddy Dom and can only speak to my experiences, not others.


I have often been convinced that a girl I've noticed is a little.  I think this comes from years of being in the life.  I would not approach them unless there was an overt invitation to do so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I probably would not be super comfortable being approached by a cg/l person randomly in public. They don't know if I'm out to the people I'm with, etc. And if I'm out with my person wearing "little-ish" stuff we're probably out on a date and so it'd feel awkward being interrupted by someone clocking us. However I have occasionally flagged (hanky code) a few things, including daddy/boy, while out in public for funsies but no one has indicated they've noticed so far. Plus with the flagging code there's an understood code of behavior. 

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I would be happy approaching someone I suspected to be a fellow Little as I would be excited to maybe make a new friend, but I would definitely not ask if they were a Little. I think there are some people who are Littles and don't know it yet, and definitely people who like Little things but aren't Little in the slightest.

Personally, I think terminology can be misleading, and it's usually best to avoid it unless the other person brings it up. I would class my mother as a Little, but she's not the sort of person to recognise that kind of terminology and would likely get the wrong idea if I tried to explain it. Still, we can talk about enjoying things that make us feel small and safe, and I think that's a good way to handle interactions with possible Littles.

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  • 5 months later...

I don’t know that I would appreciate it if a stranger talked to me period tbh. Let alone figure out what kind of tomfoolery my partner and I are into. 


In the context of being out in public and encountering a stranger the only appropriate things to say would be to compliment the cute outfit or accessories that someone has. I was at the grocery store, wearing comfy overalls, pink shirt, and I had my hair in a side ponytail with a pink scrunchie. When I tell you this cute old man, stooped over with age, told me that my hair was very pretty I about melted. It was so sweet to hear that! 😊 I dress little for myself, not to broadcast that I am a little. I would never wear something that says "babygirl" or "daddy" out in public because it's just doesn't feel appropriate, nor would I want that type of attention. So, to be asked "are you a little" out of the blue would be very uncomfortable. This is mainly because where I live it is very conservative. 

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  • 3 months later...

I'm a middle so the ways I do things are different from many here anyway. There are many ways to express yourself in public. Cute outfits and the like (I wore something the other day. My friend said I looked cute and I smiled because I knew the extra meaning.)

While it's true that being middle is part of who I am and a DD often something I feel I need. It's a very private part of me. Expressed or not it's for me and my DD if I have one, in private.

Honestly, as I write I'm thinking and I think if anyone ever publicly asked me about or tried to engage me about it I'd be mortified! Probably uncomfortable doing whatever for quite some time as well. I would hate to do that to another little/middle innocent observation or not. Of course these could be my own hangups and are just my two cents.

  • 4 weeks later...

I remember reading someone's post, might have been on this forum not sure. He had a big age gap and his gf went full little mode in public dressed up, he got a kick out of giving her a big sloppy kiss in front of everyone in a family restaurant.

I tend to be open minded but I found that really offending, he did not sound like a respectful person. I am not saying he should hide or be ashamed but how is this much different from someone flashing you? you just force your wants on someone and get off their reaction.

Another post comes to mind, of someone asking how to "come out" to their family... this was confusing for me, it's TMI, why would I involve my family in my dynamic? my partner sure, but my kids, my parents?! it's unnecessary. Anyone close to me knows I still like anime and games, super close to me and they know I adore hello kitty and stickers but that is it. You guys know more because it's relevant XD

Now to be fair, I am a very private person, and like Missy here, I am also a middle and often go out in public wearing something cute that is not obvious. I will happily wear hello kitty panties because I like them, not because I need anyone to see them. Strangers will often make a move on me and I am never annoyed unless they are pushy, If some stranger was to come up to me and ask me if I was a little I would be annoyed.

If someone I am getting to know asked me however I would reply honestly without an issue even if there was only friends potential, but I would need to like you at least that much to share if that makes sense.

  • 100 percent yes 1

In my own opinion if some stranger came up to me, and asked me if I was little...I would probably question it. It is always great to find more people within the community but stranger danger! I prefer to keep my lifestyle between me, a few friends and a CG. But all to their own! :)

  • 1 month later...

Hm 🤔 Personally, I'm not sure if I would be able to spot a daddy in public unless they were specifically talking to me and spoke in a very daddy-like manner lol. I guess I do small things to subtly show I'm a Little, even though I doubt anyone would take notice of it (if a daddy did spot I was a Little, he would have to be very perceptive, I think). I like cute, flowy dresses and I have a keychain stuffy on my backpack, but there's not much else that would indicate I'm a Little to others. 

I don't think I would like someone to straight up ask if I was a Little (being a shy introvert, I don't think I'd handle that well) but if a daddy came up to me to say hello and was putting out daddy vibes, I'd be okay with that. It might even help me feel more at ease, especially if we were having a nice, normal conversation (and after a while of feeling the daddy vibes, I would be fine with him asking if I was a little, just to confirm).

On 1/27/2023 at 6:57 PM, little-bug said:

Hm 🤔 Personally, I'm not sure if I would be able to spot a daddy in public unless they were specifically talking to me and spoke in a very daddy-like manner lol. I guess I do small things to subtly show I'm a Little, even though I doubt anyone would take notice of it (if a daddy did spot I was a Little, he would have to be very perceptive, I think). I like cute, flowy dresses and I have a keychain stuffy on my backpack, but there's not much else that would indicate I'm a Little to others. 

I don't think I would like someone to straight up ask if I was a Little (being a shy introvert, I don't think I'd handle that well) but if a daddy came up to me to say hello and was putting out daddy vibes, I'd be okay with that. It might even help me feel more at ease, especially if we were having a nice, normal conversation (and after a while of feeling the daddy vibes, I would be fine with him asking if I was a little, just to confirm).

Best place would be a singles group where I found my deceased fiancé Jenny. Finding someone at a book group. Especially since Introverts like to read books

2 hours ago, Erasmeus71 said:

Best place would be a singles group where I found my deceased fiancé Jenny. Finding someone at a book group. Especially since Introverts like to read books


2 hours ago, Erasmeus71 said:

Best place would be a singles group where I found my deceased fiancé Jenny. Finding someone at a book group. Especially since Introverts like to read books

All three girls I ran into had soft voices. Very shy. Quite. Introverted. The girl I was going to marry was 100% submissive. 


I think a person should be able to wear what they want and where they want... within reason. For instance, I don't think as a little one should go into the public with a paci in their mouth, clothes that shout "I am a little", but on the other hand, if they want to wear pigtails, jumper dresses and cute tops, ruffled socks and cute shoes, Then I think they should be allowed to wear what they like.  

Now on the topic of whether or not we would want to be asked by a stranger if we were littles and how it would make us feel, I can honestly only speak for myself/us and our lifestyle and relationship. I don't think I would really mind, but it would also depend on which littles/middle is out at the time. But with that said, DID isn't really that well known or accepted. I think it would depend on the place and what I am doing.  I'm an older person with littles/a middle inside. I wear hair coloring that has a shade of purple, I wear cute things most people my age wouldn't and I call my Daddy " Daddy" or "Mr".  I carry Hello Kitty backpacks or Disney Princesses, and earrings and stuff that normally much younger people would wear. Jeans, t-shirts with anime on them and leggings with cute patterns. So there are many, many ways of dressing without being offensive. But answering that question can only be decided by the comfort zone of the individual(s) being asked.  

Whether it's regression, DID, or role-playing, each person understands their own comfort levels. All are littles . And each in their own situations should be respected and should respect each other. No matter the lifestyle, mentality or preferences of roles they chose. 

**You are now returning to your regularly scheduled programs**


 A few years ago we had a discussion about starting to wear bracelets to signify our roles. That way we could be spotted in public if we wanted to without wearing a banner that said "Hey I'm into this".

 The issue we ran into is depending on where you go and who sees it, the colors all have different meanings. Black could mean I'm a DD to me but if I wear it to the local dungeon it could mean heavy top or heavy bottom depending on the side I'm wearing it.  Pink could mean little but could also mean spanker/spankee, again left or right side changes things. 

 We talked about adding letters but that opens you up to questions from friends and family. My friends know my initials are not DD and would get curious if I started wearing anything with letters. Also anything new I start wearing gets noticed pretty quickly by my boss who is also very inquisitive and does not need to know what I am into.

 I liked the idea of a paracord bracelet in 2 colors because they fit my personality ok and could easily be explained away as being useful in an emergency.  But as a community we never could come up with color schemes that enough of us felt would represent us so the idea kinda died. 

 Since we have had a few cold days down here I have worn my comfy sweatshirt a few times.  It has a bear on it and it says "Papa Bear" above him. I haven't seen anyone cutting their eyes at me in a positive or negative way so I don't think anyone really cares. For the most part people are so wrapped up in their phones or their own bubbles they don't notice much in my opinion. For me the one item I see that catches my attention and makes me think lifestyle is a choker. Doesn't matter if it's ribbon or lace or whatever. It makes me think yep, you're one of us lol. 

 Would I approach someone because of a bracelet or whatever, probably not. I would probably give them a knowing nod just like I give to other riders when I see a bike. Kind of an "I see you" and keep on moving. But if I were approached because I wore one I'd be down for a chat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a Caregiver/Daddy, and all I know is I’ve gotten pretty good at recognizing littles but it’d be extremely creepy to just approach them.

I’m naturally sociable so starting conversations is easy enough for me, but it can get really really awkward… but I just love talking… I hang out at my local Bookstore and the Comic and Game shops when I’m not working and even when I can easily enough notice people I haven’t seen many and it’s few and far between. Would always love to meet more

On 2/4/2023 at 5:47 PM, shadowrider said:

 A few years ago we had a discussion about starting to wear bracelets to signify our roles. That way we could be spotted in public if we wanted to without wearing a banner that said "Hey I'm into this".

 The issue we ran into is depending on where you go and who sees it, the colors all have different meanings. Black could mean I'm a DD to me but if I wear it to the local dungeon it could mean heavy top or heavy bottom depending on the side I'm wearing it.  Pink could mean little but could also mean spanker/spankee, again left or right side changes things. 

 We talked about adding letters but that opens you up to questions from friends and family. My friends know my initials are not DD and would get curious if I started wearing anything with letters. Also anything new I start wearing gets noticed pretty quickly by my boss who is also very inquisitive and does not need to know what I am into.

 I liked the idea of a paracord bracelet in 2 colors because they fit my personality ok and could easily be explained away as being useful in an emergency.  But as a community we never could come up with color schemes that enough of us felt would represent us so the idea kinda died. 

 Since we have had a few cold days down here I have worn my comfy sweatshirt a few times.  It has a bear on it and it says "Papa Bear" above him. I haven't seen anyone cutting their eyes at me in a positive or negative way so I don't think anyone really cares. For the most part people are so wrapped up in their phones or their own bubbles they don't notice much in my opinion. For me the one item I see that catches my attention and makes me think lifestyle is a choker. Doesn't matter if it's ribbon or lace or whatever. It makes me think yep, you're one of us lol. 

 Would I approach someone because of a bracelet or whatever, probably not. I would probably give them a knowing nod just like I give to other riders when I see a bike. Kind of an "I see you" and keep on moving. But if I were approached because I wore one I'd be down for a chat.

The Bracelet topic is actually pretty close to bdsm flagging!! Wearing colored handkerchiefs or bandannas or letting it show from your pocket to signify what kinks your into… I’ve always wondered if it could be used for more then just that and perhaps this would be a good place to start it again

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