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Littles dating littles?


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I has question cos I don't think I've ever heard of it...but i think i has feelings for another little but never thought if the dynamic for a cg/l could go that way or even be considered cgl after? I dunno I'm just confused and wanted input cos i know the dynamic is what keeps us here as the foundation? like if i liked another little am i interrupting their little space even if i felt for them while in little space or depriving them of their needs? i dunoo >.< I know i'm not a switch and that's what confuses me too...I hope i made sense?

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There's no reason why it couldn't work. Although I am a firm believer in polyamory, so I may view things differently.

If you're the strictly monogamous type, you'll have to consider whether both you and the other little are OK with not having a Dom. If you aren't, that makes things even simpler, since you can look for one together should you feel the need to.


I has question cos I don't think I've ever heard of it...but i think i has feelings for another little but never thought if the dynamic for a cg/l could go that way or even be considered cgl after?


Well, technically it wouldn't be called so. You'd likely be more aptly described as "sisters", since neither of you fulfills the dominant role. But that's not to say it's somehow not valid or viable.


like if i liked another little am i interrupting their little space even if i felt for them while in little space or depriving them of their needs?


Just to the contrary, you could share your little space with each other.

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Guest Mr TwitchPool

The DD/LG /CG/LG Dynamic is that of a dominant/caregiver taking care of a little.


Can 2 littles work? sure why not, I dont believe it would be classed as a DDLG relationship though.


Agreeing with Zero, 2 littles sharing space can be fun but I can only imagine if you are both in little space and someone becomes vulnerable/scared needs help, who will take the role of the care giver.  I see this because in any type of relationship people will always lean on each other.  Its a partnership.


If you both feel the same way you can always explore it but understanding clear guide lines as to what you both want first would be a good idea.


Good luck 

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I know a male little that i like a lot. i think it could work bc we know very well what the other one needs and even though neither of is dominant we can be really good for each other and validating. :) we've decided against it for other reasons but yea littles with littles im for it! probably lots of fun in store! haha 

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thank you everyone ^.^


I might not confess anything though cos...i do fear there will be a time when either of us wants a dominant...but it would be super fun either way ^.^ 

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My Mistress and I are switches and we love taking turns being the CG/LG. <3


It is definitely so much fun! If we're both in Little Space at the same time then its TEA PARTY TIMEEE!! Hehe.

Wif all of our stuffies. > w<


Oror we will watch a princess movie together. Her fave princess is Mulan and mine is Rapunzel. n .n

It's definitely possible and so much fun in my opinion!

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Definitely two littles can work. If you're willing to take the older sibling role when one of you needs it, or find another CG to fill that role for you both. I've dated another little. We had a great time! I find being around other littles enhances my little space, so it was really good for me. And I have a strong nurturing side (though not dommy enough to call it CG), so when he was vulnerable I played Big Sister and took care of him. And he took care of me when I needed.


It's not the same as having a Daddy. But different doesn't mean worse.

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