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Guest Lulu Darling

Hi ♡

I am new to DDLG. I have been healing the past few months and someone introduced me into this community with the intention of helping me with my trauma. So far I have really enjoyed what I've learned and appreciate this community for more than just the kink side of it. I do have questions though and hopefully can get some answers? 


1.) Has the overall experience been positive? Would you say it does feel freeing?

2.) How/when do you fully understand what age you are regressing to?

3.) Whats it like having a daddy/caregiver? I have seen tiktoks of daddy's explaining their side of being a caregiver, but I would genuinely like to know from the little side.

4.) What is your favorite pet name? I really have taken a liking to princess and kitten ♡


And finally, any advice as a newbie would be wonderful ♡

  1. I'd say it has been an overall net positive, but there have definitely been negative experiences. I think figuring this out about myself was freeing at first, but knowing I have to be extra careful with who knows because the world can be harsh and judgmental makes it feel a little less freeing. I think it is also a bit of a struggle when I get too self-conscious about it.
  2. True age regression is a psychological coping mechanism, and since I do not do that I don't know how those who do it figure it out. Perhaps through their therapist, or the people around them. For the age players who have more control over themselves when they slip into littlespace, I think they just figure it out based on their interests and try to compare that to what age they think that coincides with. I am not an age player, my interests would vary across a wide spectrum of little and middle ages, and there is a part of me that is inherently little at all times.
  3. If you get one who is genuinely interested in this lifestyle and for caring about you, then it can be very fulfilling and reassuring to have someone who completely understands and just lets you be yourself. The amount of trust and connection this lifestyle needs to work will make you feel more loved and cherished than you may have ever felt before. On the flip side, if you wind up with one who doesn't have the best intentions or doesn't want the same things you want, then it can be very challenging.
  4. I have so many favorites, I don't think I could pick one. Princess is a nice one, though!


My advice is to take it slow, learn as much as you can. Be good at setting boundaries if you are seeking a partner. Don't let them manipulate you and walk all over you. Do not compromise your comfort just to please someone else because you want to be with someone. You'll save yourself a lot of grief and heartache. Protect your little side from getting hurt, because it will make this lifestyle seem more like a cause of pain than happiness if you let other people take advantage of your kindness and wanting to be loved. If someone tries to tell you that you're a fake little for not doing as you're told when you never consented to them taking that control, then run the other direction as fast as you can because it's a huge red flag that this person has bad intentions for you. Be kind to yourself. If you ever feel self-conscious or questioning things, remember that this lifestyle doesn't hurt anyone, and if it makes you happy then it isn't a bad thing. Give yourself the grace and permission to explore at your pace, trying out different things. No two littles are alike, so don't try to compare yourself to others or think you might be less just because you may not be into something that someone else is into. 


I recommend these two videos to start. Evie Lupine is a GREAT resource, so check out her videos if you haven't already.





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1. Littlespace was a massive breakthrough for me or at least, the start of a breakthrough that keeps unfolding. Discovering this about myself made so much sense and directed me to listening to my needs (my inner child) that I had become so accustomed to suppressing. It most certainly has been freeing. The negative that comes with this is unearthing hard emotions, memories, and the struggle in processing all of that. I have a hard time managing my innermost feelings. Being little makes me vulnerable to that but also allows me to be authentic to what's going on inside. I'm free to let the anger out (almost like a little tantrum), have a good cry, self-soothe, and so on.

2. I have been guessing my age, really. I compare what my interests are and what ages they are associated with. For example, I really like adult pacifiers but I don't care for diapers. Someone gave me the advice that my age can be whatever I want. I can be a 12-year-old that feels like being a 5-year-old one particular day. Just don't get hung up on a number to peg yourself with. "little" just feels the most like me instead of "baby" or "middle".

3. I haven't had this, truthfully. There was an attempt with an ex but he wouldn't even make a half-assed effort about it because it just wasn't in his nature.

4. I do like "little one" or "baby girl" but honestly, whatever feels natural that the Daddy wants to call me. Just not "honey" or "sweetie".


I wholeheartedly agree with what @Vampiress said on advice. Get to know yourself, your strengths, your needs, your love languages, and such. Learn to listen to what your instincts are telling you. Never ever put your safety at risk for the approval of others. Always remember that your feelings matter. Little you comes first and Big you is all that you have to protect them. :heart:

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I’m new here. I’m looking to make friends who understand me. 

  • Hi waves 2
3 minutes ago, RagDoll69 said:

check out this channel on youtube      https://youtube.com/@n3komomanddad 

plus there r more channels.

youtube is a GOOD place to go for info on DDlg and agere i found. 


I’m 37 and only figured out I was a Little in the past few months, so it’s been a bit of a struggle because I wish I had known this about myself much sooner. For me it’s both a stress reliever and therapeutic. I’ve always been a little but I just didn’t know it. I flow pretty easily between big and little space, but there’s pretty much always a part of me that’s in little space. For me part of it is being free to be the little I never got to be. My situation is a little more unusual because I’m married but my husband isn’t my daddy nor is he dominant. It’s. Lot to figure out, and I’m still working on it, but the ability to be 100% with someone else is very freeing, and that’s what my daddy does for me. He calls me princess, which I love, because my name is Sarah, which means princess, although he picked that before he knew that. 

if you ever want to talk, feel free to message me on here or discord or Kik! Welcome to the community!

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  • Hi waves 1

I love this so much and love that you are finding the freedom you need! 

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