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Littles with big responsibility


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Usually you talk to them like the adults they are its one thing to treat someone little when they want to its another to treat them like a child when they want help when they are big.


I think you should talk with her/him/them about the college work and help them like you would say a 6 year old

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I'm a little with big Responsibility's. I have a child, a house to run, a job, and school!. In my partner I expect to be able to talk about all these things. Its part of the relationship to help each other. Yes I want to be a pampered princess with attention and made to feel small but its also important as a care giver that you meet ALL your littles needs big AND small.
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It kind of depends. I'm little but when I get home from work I want to be able to talk about my day and vent about the good stuff and the frustrations. Then if there's time or I'm not working the next day getting to do something little, even as simple as a bath. Its just all about finding that balance. 

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Guest DaddysLolita

Even though I'm a little, I'm also an adult with responsibilities. I expect to be talked to about big things because I am more than a little. 



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I have times where I'm little and when Im big. When I'm little there is not talk about school, family, or responsibilities. When I'm big my daddy is just my boyfriend. We talk about our days and our stress. I have found it is very helpful to separate both sides of my life. This also makes it easier for me to slip into little space.

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Just adjust according to which part of their personality they are expressing at the time. The little me is my most natural and where I am most comfortable...but I do have HUGE responsibilities in my adult life and have a high I.Q. There are times that I want to engage in very adult like discussions about things like politics and current affairs, work and relations and such and during these times I want to be respected and acknowledged for the intelligent equal that I am to my 'daddy'.  It is easy to see when my little comes out though, I talk differently, my facial expressions are different, I am more playful and silly, more openly adoring etc. This is when I need a lot more affection, praise and protection. But still never patronised! 


But best tip of all....communication. I can go on and on about my wants and needs but at the end of the day every little is different. You really need to open up and be honest about not knowing how to treat her. It really is the only way. 

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Guest MyDaddyMyWorld

I do not have a little age. I'm an adult with three kids, two jobs, bills to pay and a house to run. With daddy my innocent and cute side comes out, but he doesn't baby talk to me. His tone softens and his caring side takes over, treating me like his sweet little girl, which I am, but still the age I am.

But if I did age regress, I would still know I was an adult and expect to be talked to as one in day to day life.

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  • 1 month later...

Im a little with BIG responsibilities. I have a house to manage, kids to raise, church activities, and 2 jobs. I do my best to keep little space from sneaking into big space, but occasionally there is a cross over. Daddy will talk to me about adult things in a way a parent would talk to a child.

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Guest Daddy's☆treasure

As littles we're still adults and sometimes we need to be treated and talked to as such. I wouldn't say ignoring your littles adult side is the right thing to do. Daddy and I don't really have like a slipping into or a slipping out of. We are LDR atm and I look after both my parents who are sick and sometimes I just need to vent about it or if there's something that's concerning me, I'll just start talking to him about it. He never ignores me or pushes that part of me away, he always listens and helps me and supports me the best he can.


Daddy also has a demanding job and he works many, many hours. Sometimes he'll just start talking about whats bothering him with work or what the latest news is in regards to his days working and days off etc and I will immediately do my best to respond in an adult manner but then moments later we find ourselves back to laughing and giggling and him calling me by my little nickname. Just how it is with us. There's no on off switch. Our Big/little sides are so much apart of who we are there's no real distinction between the two. But he knows when to be more adult with me and I with him.


Unless your little has specified that she wishes to only be treated as a little, then again I'll say please pay attention to and take care of both her sides. And you'll find that in doing so, it helps her be more mature for when you need a little support or you want to talk about something serious or important. Besides, her adult side is a part of who she is and ignoring that is kind of like ignoring her as a whole person.



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Guest ♡PrincessAlice♡

I run my own freelance company and I study on the side as well. I have gotten the reputation for being a boss or manager that will slaughter you if you don't deliver on time. But the moment I get home, I let that all slide off me and I will revert to little space unless there are some bills to be paid or something serious comes up. I never have problem dipping in and out of my Little Space.

It's no fun doing big things but bills need to be paid and I love my job just as much as I love my stuffies. But I managed to find the perfect balance as I take 1 or 2 stuffies with me to work and they have their own chair for meetings and briefings. At first people always stare at me weird and I don't care eventually they figure that I am well worth their time and that if they don't take me serious I will become a problem to them since I still direct the group for the project. They will fear the stuffie one way or another...

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am a little with kids, a full time job, another part time job and a blog. Those are all very adult responsibilities. I usually go into little space after a particularly hard day. It helps me relax and clear my head. My husband treats me like an adult but after a hard day he can see me in my little space and treat me accordingly. It's more of a flow rather than a clear cut boundary.
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