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My bad luck!

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Guest Fae ME

I always wanted to have a Daddy from England, but no one wants to accept me. 

Neither do I have any friend. 

I don't know what's wrong in me?!


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Not succeeding doesn't mean something is wrong with you. It's just difficult but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Don't give up Fae.


You need to remember that this is a very niche lifestyle or kink and try to be patient.  Stay optimistic and know you will find friends and a daddy. 


Nothing is wrong with you these things take time tho . sometimes lots of time just for to be patient 



It took me a long time to find someone that was perfect for me and they came from quite far away, it good to be open and like others said patient. Good look in your searches!

Guest Fae ME

Thanks to everyone for all of your kind support. I have grown up and have to live until this September, in an oppressive culture.

So I always think what's wrong in me. Thanks to everyone for giving me hope. 

Thanks @AspiringDaddy

Thanks @Cebakes

Thanks @beanbean

Thanks @Goofy Dad Energy

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