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how to help Littles sleep

little brat

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I am a little that has really bad insolnima so I am usually up at all times of the night (hehe I am posting this at 1 something in the morning ^~^) I was just wondering what diffrent CG do to help their Littles sleep and if it works for them.
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Guest Pouty Kitten
Daddy reads me a bedtime story and I will instantly knock out. I struggle with insomnia sometimes and this method always works. It doesn't have to be my Daddy, it could be anyone really :p
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My little sometimes has problems falling asleep as well, so we have come up with a way to help her relax and drift into night nights.

Number one, establish a routine! We do the same thing every night, at the same time, every day. It is comforting and she knows exactly what to expect and when.

The routine is this (keep in mind that we are a LDR with a time zone between us):

  1. Bath at 9 pm.
  2. Jammies on and hair and teeth brushed at 9:30 pm.
  3. From 9:30 to 10, she colors or listens to quiet music or reads. Things that allow her mind to calm and that don't involve video screen or her phone/tablet. The blue light from video screens wakes us up!
  4. In bed at 10, lights out (except a small night light to keep the scares away!),snuggled under the covers.
  5. I call her and we place our phones on speaker next to our pillows
  6. I talk to her, tell her a bedtime story, talk about when she comes home, ect. Basically I talk soothingly and quietly to her about things that don't require her to give many answers or think analytically.
  7. As I hear her breathing indicate she is drifting, I have a special saying that I tell her: "Good night my Princess, Have wonderful dreams and remember that Daddy is here, Daddy will watch over you as you sleep to keep you safe, and Daddy will be here in the morning to welcome you to the new day."
  8. I give her virtual kisses

We then keep our phones on speaker all night so I can hear if she wakes or has bad dreams. If I hear her do that, I start talking to her again, just to let her know that she is not alone. 

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Guest MyDaddyMyWorld

Get more exercise, no caffeine after 12pm, no TV or technology in the bedroom, have it as dark as possible, no big meals late in the day, same bedtime and getting out of bed time every day, warm bath before bed. Those are things unrelated to being a little, but try them all!

Additional ones for being a little....bedtime story, ask them to say goodnight every night, nice massage maybe, spray lavender on your stuffie if you have one, or on one of daddys tshirts to sleep in, warm milky drink etc. Try limit getting all giddy and excitable around bedtime.

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One thing Daddy does that will make me go to sleep is pet my head. He will cover me up, make sure I am comfy and have a stuffie and then start gently petting my head. I instantly go to sleep!
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Routine is a huge help here. Get into a bedtime ritual. Follow it, even if you are late to bed, or already tired. If you are just having trouble turning your brain off, you might want to consider looking into some mind clearing meditations. One of the ones I used to use was envisioning a large, tall building at night, with all the lights on. One by one, slowly, I'd turn the lights off. Another, was to envision a scene. This was on a black backdrop. One by one, take the items out of the picture, until it was more and more black.
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As many people have said already, routine is hugely important, the body and brain actually register the sleep time routine and it'll make them instantly more tired. It's what's called a Pavlovian response, essentially a form of Cognative Behavioral Therapy and is extremely helpful. I think also one needs to find things that personally work with their little, perhaps story reading will work, perhaps a little time alone in bed will help, it's entirely individual.


As for actual physiological stuff, it's important to not to directly look at any bright lights (Like lcd screens on a laptop or phone) for like an hour before you want to sleep because the receptor that releases sleep hormones can't function properly when light is shining directly on it and it just happens to be between your eyes. A warm drink is also helpful provided there's very little caffeine or sugar in it, it raises the body temperature and then the gradual lowering of it incurs drowsiness. I'd also recommend over the counter sleep aids, which can be helpful and incur side effects only rarely. If your little's sleeping pattern is really getting in the way of their day to day life however the best thing that they can do is go to see a doctor about it, sleep deprivation is super lame yo.

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Guest BrattyQueen
It's not really little related but if you take one pill of melatonin and one 25mg benadryl it will help you sleep. The melatonin is time released so it keeps you asleep through the night and the benadryl is obviously an antihistamine which flips the switch in your brain telling you it's time to sleep. Histamine is what keeps us up at night so that's why why you take benadryl for allergies it makes you sleepy. It's also a natural approach to this so it's non habit forming.
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Routine helps me.

No caffeinated anything 6 hours before bed.


I like to be in bed around 10, asleep by 11.


Recently I've gotten home from work, worked out (which helps make you a little more tired), make and eat dinner, than a hot shower/bath.

The bath helps me relax and get ready for bed. Also eating dinner then gives me time to digest it before bed. lol.


I've learned that an hour before bed, no phone (its supposed to be no TV either, but I fall asleep with the TV on).


The biggest thing is getting into a routine.

I don't have a daddy, so I created this routine for myself, and it really helps I'm a lot less tired when I have to get up for work in the morning.

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Guest Buttons

Like everybody else has said, sticking to a relaxing routine, setting electronics away, lowering caffeine+sugar levels and stories are all things I find super helpful. It's also really beneficial to keep to your routine even during the weekend, or times when you don't have to be in bed as early. Just one day out of your routine will mess up your body's cycle, and result in you starting again. So sticking to it during the weekend/days off is important! :) <3

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