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Hello, Dear littles!

And daddies who glanced at this section (hehe)


I have read an interesting discussion topic on "How to be a little without a daddy" and I was thinking that it is not applicable to me cuz I am always little on my own (consequently struggle irl)


BUT I wanted to know how other littles deal with adult stuff after losing a caring daddy. 

P.s. any comments or advice are welcome.



I had the first daddy ever for two weeks and in distance relationships.


I enjoyed it, and he's been very caring, but because of the time difference and his commitment to the proper day-schedule, I did not get enough attention  :( So we decided to stop it...


I became really needy recently and got used to daddy's rules. He forced me to do my homework and even skyped me just doing his business and helping me when I needed...  :blush:


But since I am on my own, I missed all the deadlines and didn't do any proper work. 


I was wondering how littles keep themselves in strict hands? 

How often you allow yourself being a little and how do you stop yourself from doing all the little stuff (watching cartoons, drawings, and stuff) 



Thank you for reading this :3 


Please help me :wacko:


xx Mia


Strict daddy who will skype me for homework PM me!  :D  :lol:  But once again time zones :(



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hi MIa!!!


I stop myself with knowing how disappointed daddy will be, and thinking about the look on his face if i told him i didn't complete my homework\


hoped this helped!


hi MIa!!!


I stop myself with knowing how disappointed daddy will be, and thinking about the look on his face if i told him i didn't complete my homework\


hoped this helped!

Yesh Bekky, thanks for the reply, buuuut... what do I do if I do not have a daddy now :/


u could lock everything in a cupboard and get somebody to hide the key or give yourself little reward after you've completed one small homework task


u could lock everything in a cupboard and get somebody to hide the key or give yourself little reward after you've completed one small homework task

Oh! I will try it today! *o*

thanks Bekky *kisses*

Music always helps me to get what I need done and depending on what it is that I have to do I listen to different kinds of musics like for homework that I have to read a lot I listen to something without words so I can concentrate better but if I'm doing math I listen to any music I feel like. The same goes for doing my chores.



Music always helps me to get what I need done and depending on what it is that I have to do I listen to different kinds of musics like for homework that I have to read a lot I listen to something without words so I can concentrate better but if I'm doing math I listen to any music I feel like. The same goes for doing my chores.

Oh yesh! Thanksies!  That's what I did before daddy now i remembered heh

Guest LavanderRabbit

Music always helps me to get what I need done and depending on what it is that I have to do I listen to different kinds of musics like for homework that I have to read a lot I listen to something without words so I can concentrate better but if I'm doing math I listen to any music I feel like. The same goes for doing my chores.

Music with no lyrics can help with focus, like classical, jazz and house music. I personally prefer electro swing.


Music with no lyrics can help with focus, like classical, jazz and house music. I personally prefer electro swing.

thanksies Lavander! I like ur new profile pic >3<

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