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My Daddy just left me


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Sometimes things don't go as well as we want them. You have to stay strong and remember that you can make it through this! I had a Daddy some years ago break my heart in to two. I was really depressed. But, I reached out and found friends and sometime later my Daddy now. Things happen for a reason, I believe in that strongly. If you ever need someone to talk to, just friend me! Nobody should be alone with a broken heart!
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I'm very sorry this happened to you. But, it's not the end of the world. Things will get better and there are lots of people who are willing to help you.


And remember, this isn't your fault at all.

Edited by Tiger Striperino
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ohhh I am sooo soooweeeyy!


I don't like that feeling when somebody leaves u >.< 

But pwease understand it is not your Fault.. 


It just was not meant to be...


Feel free to PM me if u wanna use a friend :3 


xx Mia

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Guest lunarae

I was just abandoned by mine a few days ago out of the blue on one of the worst weeks of my life. I am sorry you have to feel this way fellow little... Here is a virtual hug. *hugs*


It will get better, just hang in there, I promise you it will be worth it. Remember, every flower must go through dirt. But it will be worth it.


Sending all my love to you! <3 If you need to, you can message me!

Edited by lunarae
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I was just abandoned by mine a few days ago out of the blue on one of the worst weeks of my life. I am sorry you have to feel this fellow little... Here is a virtual hug. *hugs*


It will get better, just hang in there, I promise you it will be worth it. Remember, every flower must go through dirt. But it will be worth it.


Sending all my love to you! <3 If you need to, you can message me!

I am sorry to hear that Lunarae :( Hang in there too! *joins the group hug*

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