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~Little in need of help!!~


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Hi there! I am new to the community and I need some help..I want to know how to be a good little and I was wondering if y'all can also help me with rules, my daddy doesn't think I should have some but as I feel like I need them! Please help!
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Guest Ginger-kit22

First of all, welcome! ^-^ You being a good Little isn't really something we can tell you how to go about. Every Little is different. Do whatever feels right to you! :)


For the rules, https://www.ddlgforum.com/topic/2210-what-are-your-rules/ check out this thread! Everyone's posted what rules they have! You can get an idea of what might work for you. I suggest sitting down with your Daddy and showing him the thread and see what he says. I did that with mine and he didn't specifically give me rules written down, but some are implied, as well as their punishments.

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First of all, welcome! ^-^ You being a good Little isn't really something we can tell you how to go about. Every Little is different. Do whatever feels right to you! :)

Thank you for the info! I'll check right away!


For the rules, https://www.ddlgforum.com/topic/2210-what-are-your-rules/ check out this thread! Everyone's posted what rules they have! You can get an idea of what might work for you. I suggest sitting down with your Daddy and showing him the thread and see what he says. I did that with mine and he didn't specifically give me rules written down, but some are implied, as well as their punishments.

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